Sample Vital Registration with Verbal Autopsy: Verbal Autopsy Interviewer's Manual

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Author(s): Williams D, Mswia R, Whiting D, Hemed Y

Year: 2007


Sample Vital Registration with Verbal Autopsy (SAVVY) is a library of best practice methods for improving the quality of vital statistics where high coverage of civil registration and/or good cause of death data are not available. This manual is intended to provide verbal autopsy interviewers (VAIs) with a complete description of their roles and responsibilities. The manual is to be used as a training and reference guide during a VAI’s course of work within their assignment areas. The manual provides guidelines for working with key informants (who report deaths that have occurred within assignment areas) and procedures to follow when conducting verbal autopsy interviews with bereaved families. This manual also serves as a reference for those who work with and supervise VAIs, including supervisors, field office managers, and physician VA reviewers/coders.

Filed under: Vital Registration , Census