Demography Daze is Back!

After a 3-year hiatus, Demography Daze returned on September 15, 2023 at DUPRI, for its 9th edition. An event originally developed by emeritus director Angie O’Rand and Carolina Population Center (CPC) emeritus director Phil Morgan, Demography Daze brings together population scientists from CPC and DUPRI to share their research, foster collaborations and discuss ongoing work in a collegial atmosphere. The event is hosted by DUPRI or CPC alternating years.

CPC and DUPRI scholars have worked on some of the most innovative projects in the population sciences including the Dunedin Multidisciplinary Study of Development, the National Long Term Care Study, and the Adolescent Health Survey (Add Health) and the Add Health Parent Study.


This year the event was hosted by DUPRI. The program featured engaging presentations by junior and senior scholars at the two Centers, including a flash talk session to display the innovative work of DUPRI and CPC scholars and whet everyone’s appetite.

Events like Demography Daze are vital for fostering collaborative and innovative research by bringing together students, postdocs, and faculty to present their work, seek feedback, solidify old and develop new relationships. “I am so glad that, after a long COVID-related hiatus, we were able to resume this wonderful event which always is a vivid reminder that the Durham-Chapel Hill area is a most exciting area for population scholars” said Giovanna Merli, Director of DUPRI.


“There is such a rich community of population scholars across our universities, and the opportunity to interact and learn from each other was sorely missed. It’s great that we were able to revive this event, and I look forward to many more” said Karen Guzzo, Director of CPC.

“As a student, I thought Demography Daze was especially a great opportunity to connect with folks at UNC,” said Garrett Baker (Duke), “I also really enjoyed the flash talk format and learned a lot from those presentations!”


More Demography Daze testimonials: “After several years of not holding Demography Daze, I had forgotten how much fun it is.  It was great to get to see not only a number of our colleagues across town from UNC but also some of our own Duke colleagues that we rarely get to see all in one place at one time.”- Scott Lynch, Associate Director DUPRI.

“It was such a pleasure to attend and present at this year’s Demography Daze! The event offered the perfect balance of academic rigor and interpersonal warmth and collegiality.” – Todd Jensen, UNC

We all look forward to many more Demography Daze events next year and beyond!



