
July 31, 2008

U.S. News & World Report covers new study on genetics, environmental influences and delinquency by Add Health investigator Guang Guo

University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill researcher Guang Guos study on genetic propensities, environmental influences and delinquency appeared in U.S. News & World Report. The study uses data from Add Health.

“Reporting in the August issue of the American Sociological Review, researchers from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill point to three genetic polymorphisms that, when paired with social factors, can predict future serious and violent delinquency. After sorting through DNA and social-control information for more than 1,100 males in grades 7 through 12, the researchers found interactions among specific genes and such environmental influences as repeating a school grade or having family meals each day. Social sciences should probably take account of genetic information when studying juvenile delinquency, the authors stated. Public policy makers may also want to take the two realms into account.” (July 17, 2008. Genetics, social factors tied to male delinquency: Family, friends, school impact expression of certain molecular variants, study says. In U.S. News & World Report.)

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This article is based on research published as the following:

Guo, Guang, Michael E. Roettger, and Tianji Cai. 2008. The Integration of Genetic Propensities into Social-Control Models of Delinquency and Violence among Male Youths. American Sociological Review 73, no. 4: 543-68.