*Spatial Survey Data
*Phase I Data Collection
* Phase II Data Collection
* Phase II Survey Instruments
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Phase II Data Collection

Duration: July 2000 – November 2000
        Plangs reported in Form 6 were matched to the mapped plangs based upon the names of the adjacent plang users.  Household interviewees reported the names of adjacent users for each plang that they used.  Sometimes, they reported an adjacent username which happened to correspond to the user of a plang that was one or more plangs away from their plang and not immediately adjacent.  For each village, the mapping informants in Phase II provided the names of users for all plangs used by villagers in their village.  In addition, they provided the usernames of plangs that were adjacent to and one plang away from each of the plangs that were used by villagers in their village.  Gathering the usernames of adjacent plangs and plangs located one plang away during the mapping process would theoretically increase the chances of finding a matching pattern in the Form 6 data.

Phase II Data Collection consisted of three main tasks:
  1. Group Discussion (Mapping) – The spatial teams queried village headmen and other village informants in order to map locations and boundaries of farmland (plang) used by all households in each village and identify the users of each plang.  These plangs were referred to as “target plang.”  In addition, the group mapped and defined users for immediately adjacent plang (“0 jump plang”) and plang located one plang away from target plang (“1 jump plang”), even if they belonged to other villages. Plangs that belonged to other villages were referred to as “non-target” plang.  Typically, multiple group discussion sessions (~half day / session) were required for each village.
  2. GPS Accuracy Check (Mobile Checking) – Using GPS receivers and updated cadastral maps, interviewers verified the location and user information provided by the village informants in the group discussion sessions.  At least six target plang representing at least 6 different households were randomly selected for verification.
  3. Matching – Using target and adjacent plang information gathered in the Household Survey Form 6 and in the Group Discussion, the spatial team attempted to match each plang listed in household survey Form 6’s with a corresponding plang mapped in the group discussion.  The spatial teams were responsible for carrying out these tasks for the 92 intensive study villages.

    Data Documentation

  Last Modified: 04/23/2004 UNC Carolina Population Center