*About the Nang Rong Projects
*Current Research
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* Site Map
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Site Map

About the Nang Rong Projects - About the Nang Rong Projects

     Research Team - Current members of the Nang Rong Projects

     Project History - History of the Nang Rong Projects from 1984 to the present.




     Study Area

     Funding Sources - A list of the agencies who have financially supported the Nang Rong Projects.

     Glossary - Quick look-up of terms and concepts frequently used on this project.

     Contact Us - Information on how to contact the Nang Rong Projects at UNC-Chapel Hill or Mahidol University.

Publications - Publications including papers, book chapters, presentations, theses and dissertations.

     Published Articles/Books/Chapters


     Theses & Dissertations

Current Research - Currently funded research on the Nang Rong Projects

     Complexity Theory - NASA - The proposed research uses unique multi-thematic and spatially-explicit data combined with expert knowledge, a set of analytic results, and dynamic modeling approaches to describe, explain, and explore the consequences of land cover and land use change (LCLUC) in Southeast Asia.

     Complexity Theory - NSF - The proposed research uses unique multi-thematic and spatially-explicit data combined with expert knowledge, a set of analytic results, and dynamic modeling approaches to describe, explain, and explore the consequences of land cover and land use change (LUCC) in Northeast Thailand.

     Social Networks & Migration - The proposed research merges traditions in the study of social networks, social demography, the life course framework, and survey methodology. It examines the potential of the social network framework, social network data and techniques of analysis to bring fresh insights into social demography, the life course framework, and survey methodology. And conversely, it uses social demography and the life course framework to understand aspects of the determinants of the shape of social networks.

     Roadmap - This project brings together seven research teams working on characterizations, explanations, and predictions of land use change in frontier regions around the globe.

Data - Nang Rong Projects Database

     Public-Use Data - Public release of the Nang Rong Projects data required a balance between the benefit of the data to the scientific community and our promise of confidentiality to study participants...

          1984 Survey - 1984 Public Release Data

          1994 Survey - 1994 Public Release Data

          2000 Survey - 2000 Public Release Data

          Constructed Data - Constructed Public Release Data

          Mailing List - Users of the Nang Rong Projects Public-Use Data can register for a mailing list.

          Data Downloads - Download the Nang Rong Projects Public-Use data.

     Identifiers - The Nang Rong Projects Identifiers

          Village-Level - Village-Level Identifiers

          Household-Level - Household-Level Identifiers

          Individual-Level - Individual-Level Identifiers

          Migrant Follow-Up - Identifiers for the Migrant Follow-Up Surveys in 1994 and 2000

               Household - The migrant household identifiers basically begin with the migrant questionnaire identification number that appears on the front of the migrant questionnaires.

               Individual - The individual identifiers within a specific migrant household, or MCEP codes, were assigned by interviewers during the administration of Form 7 in the questionnaire.

          Person Identifier - Nang Rong Projects Person Identifier variable

               Data Files Chart - Data Files Chart for the Person Identifier

               Programming Examples - Programming examples showing how to add the person identifier to the individual-level data.

                    1984 data - Program Example: add the Person Identifier to the 1984 Individual-Level Data File.

                    1994 data - Program Example: add the Person Identifier to the 1994 Individual-Level Data File.

                    1994 Moved HH data - Program Example: add the Person Identifier to the 1994 Moved Household Data File.

                    1994 Migrant data - Program Example: add the Person Identifier to the 1994 Migrant Follow-Up Data File.

                    2000 data - Program Example: add the Person Identifier to the 2000 Individual-Level Data File.

                    2000 Moved HH data - Program Example: add the Person Identifier to the 2000 Moved Household Data File.

                    2000 Migrant data - Program Example: add the Person Identifier to the 2000 Migrant Follow-Up Data File.

          Other - Other identifiers including person years and plots.

     Social Survey Data - The social surveys were the starting point for research in the Nang Rong setting. They consist of three waves of data collection -- 1984, 1994, 2000.

          1984 Survey - 1984 Survey Data and Documentation

               Getting Started - Getting started with the 1984 Survey data.

               Questionnaires & Codebooks - 1984 Questionnaires and Codebooks

               By-the-Numbers - Numbers from the 1984 Survey Data

               Data Files Chart - 1984 Data Files Chart

          1994 Survey - 1994 Survey Data and Documentation

               Getting Started - Getting started with the 1994 Survey data.

               Questionnaires & Codebooks - 1994 Questionnaires & Codebooks

               Field Manuals - 1994 Field Manuals used in data collection.

               By-the-Numbers - Numbers from the 1994 Survey Data

               Data Files Chart - 1994 Data Files Chart

          2000 Survey - 2000 Survey Data and Documentation

               Getting Started - Getting started with the 2000 Survey data.

               Questionnaires & Codebooks - 2000 Questionnaires and Codebooks

               Field Manuals - Field Manuals for the 2000 data collection.

               By-the-Numbers - Numbers from the 2000 Survey Data

               Data Files Chart - 2000 Data Files Chart

     Spatial Data - Incorporated into the Nang Rong Project following the 1994-5 fieldwork, the robust Nang Rong spatial database synthesizes datasets from a host of disparate sources. Included in this unique set is a variety of vector and raster GIS data, remotely sensed imagery, aerial photography, and derived spatial products.

          GIS & Spatial Analysis

          Remote Sensing

               Satellite Imagery

                    Satellite Image Inventory

                         Landsat MSS Images

                         Landsat TM Images

                         Landsat ETM Images

                         IKONOS Images

                    Landsat MSS

                    Landsat TM

                    Landsat ETM

               Aerial Photography

                    1954 Aerial Photography

                    1960's Aerial Photography

                    1970's Aerial Photography

                    1983/4 Aerial Photography

                    1982-5 Aerial Photography

                    1994 Aerial Photography

               Aerial Photograph and Image Classification

                    Classified Image Inventory

                         ETM Land Use

                         ETM Land Cover

                         TM Land Use

                         TM Land Cover

                         MSS Land Use

                         MSS Land Cover

                    LULC Classification Scheme


          Spatial Database Descriptions

               Vector Data

                    Cadastral Grid

                    Cadastral Data

                    Subdistrict Health Centers

                    Nang Rong Study Site

                    Nang Rong Administrative Boundary

                    Provincial Capitals

                    Nang Rong Subdistrict Boundaries

                    Thailand National Boundary

                    Water Level Stations

                    Thailand Provinces

                    Nang Rong Villages

                    Climate Stations

                    Mun Basin Monitoring Stations

                    Nang Rong Water Resources



                    Topographic Map-Compiled Land Use/Land Cover

                    "Green Book" Land Use/Land Cover


                    Elevation Contours

                    Spot Elevations

                    Transportation Network

                    Geodetic Control GPS Points

               Raster Data

                    30 Meter Digital Elevation Model

                    90 Meter Digital Elevation Model

                    Digital Raster Graphic

                    Flow Direction



                    Wetness Index


          Spatial Survey Data

               Phase I Data Collection

                    Phase I Survey Instruments

               Phase II Data Collection

                    Phase II Survey Instruments

                         Group Discussion Specifics

          Spatial Variables

     Constructed Data - There are several data files that have been constructed from different elements in the social survey and spatial analysis data.

          Social Networks - 1994-2000 Social Network Data

               Data Files Chart - 1994-2000 Social Networks Data Files Chart

               1994 Variable Documentation - 1994 Social Networks Dynamic Variable Documentation

               2000 Variable Documentation - 2000 Social Networks Dynamic Variable Documentation

          Life History Calendars - Constructed data starting with the 1994-2000 Life History Calendar data files.

               Data Files Chart - Life History Calendars Data Files Chart

          Land Use & Ownership - Constructed data files containing variables concerning land use and land ownership in 2000.

Explore and More!

     Getting There

     The Climate

     The Culture

     Social Surveys


     Linkage Issues




     Climate Change





          Map 01

          Roads 01

          Roads 02

          Roads 03

          Roads 04

          Roads 05

          Roads 06

          Elev 01

          Elev 02

          Elev 03

          Elev 04

          Jugs 01

          Rice 01

          Rice 02

          Rice 03

          Rice 04

          Rice 05

          Upland 01

          Upland 02

          Upland 03

          Upland 04

          Durian 01

          Temple 01

          Temple 02

          Paddy 01

          Flower 01

          Sunset 01

          Itan 01

          Spectrum 01

          Satellite 01

          Sat Comp 01

          1954 01

          1999 01

          Village 01

          Linkage 01

          Cadastral 01

          Quads 01

          Maps 01

          GPS 01

          GPS 02

          GPS 03

          GIS 01

          Hand Map 01

          Angkor 01

          Angkor 02

          Mosaic 01

          Mosaic 02

          Home 01

          Village 02

          Inundate 02

          Van 01

          Trees 01

          Pixel Core 01

          Fronds 01

          Rainfall 01

          Paddy 02

          Bye Bye 01

News - Nang Rong Projects News

Site Map - The Nang Rong Projects Site Map of the entire website

  Last Modified: 03/22/2004 UNC Carolina Population Center