*Phase I Data Collection
* Phase I Survey Instruments
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Questionnaires and Spatial Forms

Community Questionnaire
        The GPS team was responsible for administering the Community Questionnaire in each of the intensive and non-intensive study villages.  This involved the village headmen and assistants and other selected and volunteer informants.  Administrative boundaries were used in defining “village” for the purposes of the Community Questionnaire.  Once a Community Questionnaire was completed for a village by one GPS team, a second GPS team cross-checked that Community Questionnaire for completeness and informed the other team of any omitted questions or inconsistencies.  For the intensive study villages, the nature of any village administrative splits that occurred since 1994 was determined. Villages that existed in 1984 were considered “parent” villages. Some “child” villages split from the “parent” villages between 1984 and 1994.  The spatial team determined if, between 1994 and 2000, any villages split from the 1984 “parent” villages and the 1994 split villages.  The names of any 1994-2000 era split villages were recorded along with the name and the 1994 ID of the village from which it split.  For the year 2000 survey, village IDs consisted of 6 digits.  For example in 020804, 02 refers to the District ID, 08 refers to the Subdistrict ID, and 04 refers to the Village ID (moo-ti).

        The GPS teams obtained consent from the villagers prior to proceeding with the Community Questionnaire.  We promised to inform those who were part of the interview about the content of the questions to be asked; that our goal is to describe social, economic, and environmental change in Nang Rong; that their participation is voluntary and that they can leave any time; that the information they provide is confidential; that we will take their answers and transform them into numbers in a computer file.  This was done before the interview commenced. A representative from the village, usually the headman, signed the consent form . In some instances, when villagers were unable or were wary of signing the consent form, the interviewer signed for the villagers.

Household Directory (Form H)
        With the aid of the village headmen and assistants from respective villages, the GPS team assembled a list of all households in each intensive study village.  For each village, household data were entered on a Household Listing Form, similar to Form H from the 1994 survey.  In some instances, the village headmen kept their own hardcopy Household / Ban Lek Ti listing, which they allowed the GPS teams to carry to Nang Rong town and photocopy for future reference.  The Household Listing Form provided columns for the 1994 Ban Lek Ti number, 2000 Ban Lek Ti number, 3-digit unique House ID number, name of household head, common name, and a column for the 9-digit Household ID.  The 9-digit Household ID (HHID) was a concatenation of the 6-digit village ID and the 3-digit House ID.  The HHID was to be filled in following the Dwelling Unit GPS, once the existence and status of all Households were verified and checked by the GPS teams.  The HHID column was never actually completed since it was simple enough to read the village ID and House ID on the same page. Instead, GPS teams made notes in the HHID column when necessary.

NOTE: The 2000 Ban Lek Ti number and the 3 digit House ID start out coinciding with one another on the Household ID list.  However, the coinciding values eventually break down, such as when a Ban Lek Ti was assigned to a temple or a piece of land that no longer had a house on it.  Example 1 below indicates the skip that occurs in the 3 – digit House ID, done so that only current households were assigned a unique 3-digit code.

Dwelling Unit GPS Collection Form
        GPS teams used Global Positioning System receivers and external antennae to obtain geographic coordinates for each dwelling unit in each of the intensive study villages.

        For the Dwelling Unit GPS aspect of the GPS fieldwork, each GPS team sought the assistance of knowledgeable village informants and used the Household List as an aid in completing the Dwelling Unit GPS Form (see Example 2).  The GPS operator was responsible for taking the GPS readings at each dwelling unit (more than one dwelling unit may be found on a single land parcel) and communicating the GPS file name to the data recorder.  “Dwelling Unit” refers to occupied and unoccupied houses.  The data recorder was responsible for managing all documents (Household Dwelling Unit GPS Forms, Household Listing) carried by a team and recording the GPS and attribute data.  The data recorder was also responsible for collecting all necessary information from informants, in this case Ban Lek Ti numbers and names of household heads.  Each team GPS’d all dwelling units in their respective villages.  Multiple dwelling units sometimes existed on a single parcel.  In these cases, each dwelling unit was GPS’d and a Ban Lek Ti number and Head of Household name was recorded.  In addition, the data recorder was to indicate whether the house was occupied or not occupied by asking the informant.  If the house was not occupied, the data recorder wrote NO in the Head of Household column in addition to the Head of Household name (if available).  It was possible that a house was owned by an individual who was currently in Bangkok or who only lived in the house during the harvest season.

        The data recorder also rated the quality of the dwelling unit on a scale from 1 to 5 (1 being high quality, 5 being poor quality).  It was imperative that the GPS team members NOT discuss the quality of the dwelling units with the occupants, paid informants or other villagers.  The data recorder was to make a subjective rating based upon the Dwelling Unit Quality Rating Guidelines and photo examples.  The recorder discussed his/her rating and their rationale for the rating with the GPS operator and assigned an agreed upon rating to the dwelling unit.

Rice Mill Collection Form
        The GPS team provided each Household survey team with a list of rice mills for each study village.  The list was provided as an aid to the Household team, and NOT a source of code.  These lists were photocopied directly from the Community Questionnaire (page 8, question 20) and included sequence #, rice mill name, owner’s name, Household ID, village/town name, village/town number, district number, and province number.

Geodetic Control Form
        GPS teams used Global Positioning System receivers (Trimble GEOII models) to obtain geographic coordinates at stable, “photo-recognizable” features, mainly road intersections in and around Nang Rong district.  Geodetic control points were collected in order to properly rectify and geo-reference the 1994, 1:50000 air photos and eventually co-register all Nang Rong spatial data to a common, absolute geodetic control network.

        A CBIRD driver and truck were hired to transport a geodetic control survey GPS team around Nang Rong district to collect geodetic control.  The driver was paid 100 baht/day during the week and 250/day during the weekends, and he was available from 8:30 – 5:00 each day.

        Three types of maps were used to complete the Geodetic Control GPS.  The primary type was air photo image maps, prepared for all air photos covering Nang Rong district.  The second type of map was an air photo index map, indicating the location of air photo center points, the extent of each air photo’s coverage, air photo ID#s and dates.  This information was overlaid on a Nang Rong map showing roads, hydrography, and study villages and their 3 km buffers.  The third type of map was 1:50,000 topographic maps of the district with detailed roads and hydrography, village locations, mainly used for navigation purposes.

        Air photo image maps were basically larger versions of the original scanned 1:50,000 air photos.  Two lines were drawn on the air photo image maps, which intersected at the air photo center point (principal point) and divided each air photo into 4 quadrants.  In order to properly rectify the air photos, at least 1 GPS point was gathered in each quadrant at a location that is visible on the air photo, typically prominent road intersections near the center to outer edges of the quadrants (see Figure 1).

        Prior to driving in the field, candidate GCP locations were marked on the air photo iamge maps.  The GCP collection team navigated to these locations in a truck and then on foot.  Upon arrival at each GCP location, a GPS point was collected for a minimum of 3 minutes (180 positions) and the Geodetic Control GPS Form was completed for that particular GPS File/location.

Bus Route Collection Form
        Members of the GPS team met with transportation officials and bus drivers in June and July, 2000 in Nang Rong town to map all bus routes coming into Nang Rong town from villages in and around Nang Rong district. Attribute data were collected for each bus route. The GPS team members talked directly with the bus drivers in order to map their bus routes accurately.

        Nang Rong district maps (N-maps) were carried to the local bus station in Nang Rong town.  GPS team members worked with the bus drivers, asking them to indicate on the N-map the route they drove each day.  Mylar paper was laid over the N-maps and the routes were traced onto the mylar paper.  Each route was labeled with a bus route number and the village name and 1994 ID (if applicable) of origin.  This information is linked to the routes traced on the mylar maps by the bus route #’s.

  Last Modified: 07/14/2004 UNC Carolina Population Center