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1984 Public Release Data

Data files from the 1984 Social Survey are now available for public use. The tables below show specifications on each of the public release data files. Click on a box to generate a variable list (Var.List), one-way frequency tables and descriptives (Freq & Mean) or cross-tabulations (Cross-tab) using the corresponding 1984 Survey public release data file. Consult the questionnaires and codebooks for details on the variables.

Note:  The public-use data files have been modified for confidentiality and are available in SPSS, Stata and SAS transport (using xport engine) format.

Form Section Description SAS
Var. List Freq & Mean Cross-tab
A A3 Household Information hh84
A A1 & A2 Household Roster indiv84

To download (at no cost) data files, please go to

  Last Modified: 09/17/2007 UNC Carolina Population Center