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Nov 11, 2008

In a Chicago Tribune article about illegal migrants traveling between Mexico and the United States, CPC Fellow Jaqueline Hagan offers insight into the role St. Toribio Romo, a Mexican martyr, and faith play in their migration experience.

‘Jacqueline Hagan, whose upcoming book “Migration Miracle” features St. Toribio, said those considering migration are more likely to pray or consult with their ministers than seek advice from their families before making the journey.

“It’s such a risky decision with the uncertainty of making the trip, the fear of dying on the trip and never seeing your family again,” said Hagan, a sociology professor at the University of North Carolina. “The only way they can make meaning of this trip, the only way it makes any sense, is through God.”‘ (Avila, Oscar. November 8, 2008. A protector for journey full of danger. In Chicago Tribune. Chicago, Ill.)

The book the article refers to is Migration Miracle: Faith, Hope, and the Undocumented Journey, published by Harvard University Press (2008).

To read the entire Chicago Tribune article, click here:,0,4185580.story

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