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Mar 16, 2011

The work and accomplishments of several CPC Fellows was highlighted in the Spring 2011 edition of Carolina Arts & Sciences magazine. The publication can be accessed online here or downloaded in PDF format here.

CPC Fellow Steve Walsh shares his expertise in the magazine’s feature story, “Paradise Paradox.” Former CPC trainee Carlos Mena is also mentioned in the article. The story focuses on how increasing human presence and interference is affecting the Galapagos Islands (page 7). The article discusses the work of the Galapagos Initiative, which includes supporting interdisciplinary research projects. Such projects involving CPC Fellows Ronald Rindfuss, Kyle Crowder, Margarita Mooney and Margaret Bentley are mentioned in the magazine (page 10).

Michael Emch received a 2010-2011 Fulbright Scholarship (page 3).

Paul Leslie was named a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (page 4).

Jacqueline Hagan won a book award for Migration Miracle: Faith, Hope and Meaning on the Undocumented Journey (page 4).

Kyle Crowder co-authored research showing that incoming immigrants make neighborhood natives more likely to move away (page 25).

Lisa D. Pearce recently co-authored a book, A Faith of Their Own: Stability and Change in the Religiosity of America’s Adolescents (page 31).