Ganga Bey

Ph.D., MPH, Assistant Professor, Epidemiology
Faculty Fellow, Carolina Population Center; Faculty Fellow, Carolina Center for Population Aging and Health; Faculty Fellow, Columbia Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Alzheimer's Dis
Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Bey seeks to understand the role that modifiable psychosocial characteristics play in conferring risk and resilience to the impact of chronic social stressors on healthy longevity.
Dr. Bey’s research draws on geroscience and intersectionality perspectives to explore the psychosocial and epigenetic mechanisms that influence disparate aging rates over the life-course between dominant-status and marginalized populations. The ultimate goal of her work is to identify and facilitate implementation of novel strategies for intervening on the health consequences of structural inequity. Dr. Bey is the recipient of a National Insitute on Aging K99/R00 award to examine whether a novel, modifiable identity characteristic predicts psychosocial risk and resiliences factors that may modify the impact of neighborbood disadvantage on pace of aging and cardiovascular and cognitive health.