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Maselko, Joanna; Gilman, Stephen E.; & Buka, Stephen L. (2009). Religious Service Attendance and Spiritual Well-Being Are Differentially Associated with Risk of Major Depression. Psychological Medicine, 39(6), 1009-1017. PMCID: PMC2681787


BACKGROUND: The complex relationships between religiosity, spirituality and the risk of DSM-IV depression are not well understood.
METHOD: We investigated the independent influence of religious service attendance and two dimensions of spiritual well-being (religious and existential) on the lifetime risk of major depression. Data came from the New England Family Study (NEFS) cohort (n=918, mean age=39 years). Depression according to DSM-IV criteria was ascertained using structured diagnostic interviews. Odds ratios (ORs) for the associations between high, medium and low tertiles of spiritual well-being and for religious service attendance and the lifetime risk of depression were estimated using multiple logistic regression.
RESULTS: Religious service attendance was associated with 30% lower odds of depression. In addition, individuals in the top tertile of existential well-being had a 70% lower odds of depression compared to individuals in the bottom tertile. Contrary to our original hypotheses, however, higher levels of religious well-being were associated with 1.5 times higher odds of depression.
CONCLUSIONS: Religious and existential well-being may be differentially associated with likelihood of depression. Given the complex interactions between religiosity and spirituality dimensions in relation to risk of major depression, the reliance on a single domain measure of religiosity or spirituality (e.g. religious service attendance) in research or clinical settings is discouraged.


Reference Type

Journal Article

Year Published


Journal Title

Psychological Medicine


Maselko, Joanna
Gilman, Stephen E.
Buka, Stephen L.




Maselko - 0000-0002-6270-8237