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Hausman, Alice J.; Maselko, Joanna; & Brawer, Rickie (2009). Social Capital and Public Health Practice.. Tripp, Gregory; Payne, Michael; & Diodorus, Dimitrus (Eds.) (pp. 137-150). New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc..


Despite the theoretical appeal of social capital as a determinant of both individual and community health, empirically demonstrated causal processes have not been validated or confirmed, in part due to difficulties associated with defining how social capital is manifested and therefore measured. This paper discusses how a shift in perspective from one of causality to one where social capital is viewed as an intervention facilitator, would make it easier to demonstrate how social capital works and how this useful concept can be more fully integrated into public health practice. It also discusses how formal and explicit use of social capital principles and measures in program development and evaluation processes can provide strong evidence for universal domains using measures of markers that are tailored to the local context, thereby increasing evidence for policy while embracing practice principles of participation and local relevancy.

Reference Type

Book Section

Year Published



Hausman, Alice J.
Maselko, Joanna
Brawer, Rickie


Maselko - 0000-0002-6270-8237