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Tollerud, David; Aminoff, Michael; Goodman, Steven; Herrick, Robert; Hertz-Picciotto, Irva; Hoel, David; Olshan, Andrew F.; Orchard, Trevor; Ozer, Howard; & Ramos, Kenneth, et al. (1999). Veterans and Agent Orange: Update 1998. Washington: National Academy Press.


Third in a series of six congressionally mandated studies occurring biennially, this book is an updated review and evaluation of the available scientific evidence regarding the statistical association between exposure to herbicides used in Vietnam and various adverse health outcomes suspected to be linked with such exposures. As part of the review, the committee convened a workshop at which issues surrounding the reanalysis and the combination of existing data on the health effects of herbicide and dioxin exposure were addressed.

Reference Type

Edited Book

Year Published



Tollerud, David
Aminoff, Michael
Goodman, Steven
Herrick, Robert
Hertz-Picciotto, Irva
Hoel, David
Olshan, Andrew F.
Orchard, Trevor
Ozer, Howard
Ramos, Kenneth
Rose, Noel
Woskie, Susan


Olshan - 0000-0001-9115-5128
Hertz-Picciotto - 000-0001-6952-2390