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Darity, William A., Jr. & Deshpande, Ashwini (2000). Tracing the Divide: Intergroup Disparity across Countries. Eastern Economic Journal, 26(1), 75-85.


Theil’s T index has attractive decompositional properties that have been exploited by James Galbraith [1998; Conceicao and Galbraith, 2000] and his international inequality research team at the University of Texas at Austin to good effect. They have been able to construct an alternative and more complete time series of estimates of variations in inequality in a variety of countries by judicious use of manufacturing sector wage data from the international Labour Office, by considering interindustry variation in wages, and by lopping off the within-industry component of wage variation in Theil’s T to arrive “a lower bound estimate of dispersion” [Galbraith, 1998, 287].


Reference Type

Journal Article

Year Published


Journal Title

Eastern Economic Journal


Darity, William A., Jr.
Deshpande, Ashwini