Acre, Valerie N.; Dijkerman, Sally; Calhoun, Lisa M.; Speizer, Ilene S.; Poss, Cheri; & Nyamato, Ernest (2022). The Association of Quality Contraceptive Counseling Measures with Postabortion Contraceptive Method Acceptance and Choice: Results from Client Exit Interviews across Eight Countries. BMC Health Services Research, 22(1), 1519. PMCID: PMC9749205Abstract
The availability of a variety of modern contraceptive methods is necessary but insufficient to provide a high-quality contraceptive service to postabortion clients. Women, especially young women, must be empowered to make informed choices about which methods they receive, including whether to use contraception following an abortion service. In this study, we conducted 2,488 client exit interviews with abortion clients after their induced abortion service or postabortion care visit in Ipas-supported health facilities in eight countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mexico, Nepal, Nigeria, and Uganda. We evaluated the quality of postabortion contraceptive counseling across two domains of contraceptive counseling: information exchange and interpersonal communication. We measured the association between these quality elements and two outcomes: 1) client-perceived choice of contraceptive method and 2) whether or not the client received a modern contraceptive method. We examined these relationships while adjusting for sociodemographic and confounding variables, such as the client feeling pressure from the provider to accept a particular method. Finally, we determined whether associations identified differ by age group: under 25 and 25+. Information exchange and interpersonal communication both emerged as important counseling domains for ensuring that clients felt they had the ability to choose a contraceptive method. The domain of information exchange was associated with having received a contraceptive method for all abortion clients, including young abortion clients under 25. Nearly 14% of clients interviewed reported pressure from the provider to accept a particular contraceptive method; and pressure from the provider was significantly associated with a client's perception of not having a choice in selecting and receiving a contraceptive method during her visit to the facility. Improving interpersonal communication, strengthening contraceptive information exchange, and ensuring clients are not pressured by a provider to accept a contraceptive method, must all be prioritized in postabortion contraceptive counseling in health facilities to ensure postabortion contraceptive services are woman-centered and rights-based for abortion clients.URL Type
Journal ArticleYear Published
2022Journal Title
BMC Health Services ResearchAuthor(s)
Acre, Valerie N.Dijkerman, Sally
Calhoun, Lisa M.
Speizer, Ilene S.
Poss, Cheri
Nyamato, Ernest
Article Type
Speizer - 0000-0001-6204-1316Calhoun - 000-0002-3499-9372