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Jahnke, Johanna R.; Thompson, Amanda L.; Archer, Norman T.; Bentley, Margaret E.; Houck, Kelly M.; Murgueitio Fuentes, Maria Francisca; & Ochoa, Juan (2022). Health Across the First 1000 Days in the Galápagos Islands.. Thompson, Amanda L.; Ochoa-Herrera, Valeria; & Teran, Enrique (Eds.) (pp. 211-228). Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.


This chapter investigates how early developmental health concerns arise and are contended with on San Cristóbal island, where residents live in geographic isolation with limited access to fresh food, potable water, and healthcare options. In particular, the chapter focuses on the “first 1000 days,” the period between conception and a child’s second birthday. This period marks a time of rapid growth that is highly sensitive to environmental conditions and can irreversibly alter a child’s long-term development. Within the categories of pregnancy, birth, and the postpartum, this chapter identifies and discusses the top health risks during the first 1000 days, including maternal overweight and obesity, urinary tract infections, sexually transmitted infections, overmedication and antibiotic use during pregnancy, gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, preterm birth, low birth weight, excess of Cesarean section, infant feeding, and infant growth. The concluding remarks offer pathways for improving maternal and infant health and development within the complex context of the Galápagos.


Reference Type

Book Section

Year Published


Series Title

Social and Ecological Interactions in the Galapagos Islands (SESGI)


Jahnke, Johanna R.
Thompson, Amanda L.
Archer, Norman T.
Bentley, Margaret E.
Houck, Kelly M.
Murgueitio Fuentes, Maria Francisca
Ochoa, Juan




Jahnke - 0000-0003-1875-5332
Thompson, AL - 0000-0002-5872-738X
Bentley - 0000-0002-1220-0208