Harris, Kathleen Mullan & Hummer, Robert A. (2023). The Increasing Salience of Health in Social Forces Research. Social Forces, 101(4), 1644-1657.Abstract
Global life expectancy at birth approximately doubled during the 100-year history of Social Forces (Heuveline 2022; Riley 2005). As the average length of life of the individuals and their experiences in the communities and institutions studied in the journal increased, health became more salient to social and economic life. The increasing prominence of health, embodied by an individual’s continuing physical, emotional, mental, and social ability to cope with his or her environment over the life course, is reflected in the trend of health-related articles in Social Forces. A handful of health-related articles appeared during the decades from 1920 to 1960, followed by a small but steady flow of publications from 1970 to 2000, after which there has been more growth and diversity in health-related publications in the twentieth-first-century issues of Social Forces.URL Type
Journal ArticleYear Published
2023Journal Title
Social ForcesAuthor(s)
Harris, Kathleen MullanHummer, Robert A.
Article Type
Harris, KM - 0000-0001-9757-1026Hummer - 0000-0003-3058-6383