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Sivaram, Sudha; Lakshmi, C. Sethu; Go, Vivian F.; Srikrishnan, Aylur K.; Celentano, David D.; Solomon, Suniti; & Bentley, Margaret E. (2004). Telling Stories: Narrative Scenarios to Assess Sexual Norms for an HIV Prevention Study in Chennai, India.. Verma, Ravi K.; Pelto, Pertiti J.; Schensul, Stephen L.; & Joshi, Archana (Eds.) (pp. 304-323). Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.


This volume presents and reviews a wide range of recent research on sexuality and sexual behaviours in India to better understand the patterns of risk among different sections of the Indian populace.
Participants in India's HIV/AIDS campaign now recognize that the epidemic has great complexities which have to be understood in its entirety in order to combat it.
The book contains three main components: an overview describing the HIV epidemic in India and the public and the non-governmental approaches; perspectives from communities and population sectors on premarital, marital and extra marital sexuality and the risk of transmission; and the lessons learnt in terms of research methodology and the development of new approaches to HIV/AIDS.

Reference Type

Book Section

Year Published



Sivaram, Sudha
Lakshmi, C. Sethu
Go, Vivian F.
Srikrishnan, Aylur K.
Celentano, David D.
Solomon, Suniti
Bentley, Margaret E.


Bentley - 0000-0002-1220-0208