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Cotton, Christine E.; Tolman, Elizabeth Ely; Mack, Julia Cardona, [; Deborah E. Bender, Member of ¡A su salud! Team; & ] (2010). ¡A Su Salud!: Spanish for Health Professionals. DVD and Workbook.. Bruno, Elizabeth C. (Ed.). New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press.


¡A Su Salud! is an interactive intermediate-level Spanish language program designed for students and practicing healthcare professionals. Learners work with vocabulary and grammar within the context of a telenovela called "La comunidad". The multimedia approach allows learners not only to absorb grammar and vocabulary but also to connect with other aspects of language learning that also carry meaning: where the conversation is taking place, who is speaking, the physical state of the speakers, the gestures that accompany the words, and the purpose of the exchange.

Reference Type

Edited Book

Year Published



Cotton, Christine E.
Tolman, Elizabeth Ely
Mack, Julia Cardona, [
Deborah E. Bender, Member of ¡A su salud! Team