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Handa, Sudhanshu; Huang, Carolyn; Hypher, Nicola; Teixeira, Clarissa; Soares, Fabio V.; & Davis, Benjamin (2012). Targeting Effectiveness of Social Cash Transfer Programmes in Three African Countries. Journal of Development Effectiveness, 4(1), 78-108.


Social transfers are increasingly seen as a key tool in east and southern Africa for combating the triple threat of chronic poverty, hunger and HIV. In designing programmes, targeting has emerged as a contentious issue in the region. Compared with other regions, programmes in sub-Saharan Africa have been characterised by multiple targeting methodologies, including a substantial role of the community in identifying and prioritising beneficiaries. To help better understand some of the different targeting approaches in the region and their effectiveness, this paper examines cash transfer programmes in Kenya, Malawi and Mozambique. The paper finds that targeting in the three programmes is effective in reaching the poorest households.


Reference Type

Journal Article

Year Published


Journal Title

Journal of Development Effectiveness


Handa, Sudhanshu
Huang, Carolyn
Hypher, Nicola
Teixeira, Clarissa
Soares, Fabio V.
Davis, Benjamin


Huang - 0000-0002-3415-3561