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Darity, William A., Jr. (1995). Comment. History of Political Economy Annual, 27(Suppl.), 243-246.


Unfortunately, Donald Moggridge has written a passionless paper about the most exciting phase of theoretical transition in twentieth-century economics: the emergence and spread of Keynesian economics. Asserting that the “core” of his paper is an enumeration of “a bibliographical and
biographical study of. . . 392 articles that appeared between the beginning of 1936 and the end of 1948 . . . recorded either in classes 2.30, 2.31, 2.320, 2.322, or 2.325 of the Index of Economic Journals or in the surveys of post-General Theory developments in the first two revisions of Gottfried Haberler’s Prosperiv and Depression,” Moggridge addresses neither the content of these papers nor their significance or impact in promoting the acceptance of Keynesian doctrines across the economics profession. Moggridge’s leavings are a tedious accountant’s exercise serving, at best, as a supportive appendix to a hopefully more interesting study of how the Keynesian revolution developed in the economics protession.


Reference Type

Journal Article

Year Published


Journal Title

History of Political Economy Annual


Darity, William A., Jr.