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Tsui, Amy Ong; Thapa, Shyam; Hamill, David N.; & de Silva, Victor (1989). Contraceptive Method Change among Rural Sri Lankan Women. Journal of Biosocial Science, 11(Supplement), 133-148.


Patterns of contraceptive method change and their association with reproductive motivation and contraceptive failure are examined using data from a 1986 survey of family planning behaviour of rural Sinhalese married women aged 15-44 in seventeen districts of Sri Lanka. A notable degree of rationality in contraceptive method changes occurs with family formation. The attempt to control unwanted fertility leads to more efficacious use of contraception, including traditional methods. Some methodological improvements to the analysis of contraceptive switching are indicated. Implications of the findings for programmatic emphasis on permanent versus non-permanent modern methods are discussed.


Reference Type

Journal Article

Year Published


Journal Title

Journal of Biosocial Science


Tsui, Amy Ong
Thapa, Shyam
Hamill, David N.
de Silva, Victor