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Sweat, Michael D.; Kerrigan, Deanna L.; Moreno, Luis A.; Rosario, Santo; Gomez, Bayardo; Jerez, Hector; Weiss, Ellen; & Barrington, Clare (2006). Cost-effectiveness of Environmental-Structural Communication Interventions for HIV Prevention in the Female Sex Industry in the Dominican Republic. Journal of Health Communication, 11(1, Suppl. 2), 123-142.
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Kerrigan, Deanna L.; Moreno, Luis A.; Rosario, Santo; Gomez, Bayardo; Jerez, Hector; Weiss, Ellen; van Dam, Johannes; Barrington, Clare; & Sweat, Michael D. (2004). Combining Community Approaches and Government Policy to Prevent HIV Infection in the Dominican Republic. Washington: Horizons/Population Council/USAID.