West, Colin Thor (2011). The Survey of Living Conditions in the Arctic (SLiCA): A Comparative Sustainable Livelihoods Assessment. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 13(1), 217-235.
West, Colin Thor (2010). Household Extension and Fragmentation: Investigating the Socio-Environmental Dynamics of Mossi Domestic Transitions. Human Ecology, 38(3), 363-376.
Argetsinger, Timothy & West, Colin Thor (2009). Yupiit Subsistence in Western Alaska: The Intersection of Formal and Local Institutions. Ecological and Environmental Anthropology, 5(1), 67-82.
Nelson, Donald R.; West, Colin Thor; & Finan, Timothy J. (2009). Introduction to “In Focus: Global Change and Adaptation in Local Places”. American Anthropologist, 111(3), 271-274.
West, Colin Thor (2009). Domestic Transitions, Desiccation, Agricultural Intensification, and Livelihood Diversification among Rural Households on the Central Plateau, Burkina Faso. American Anthropologist, 111(3), 275-288.
West, Colin Thor; Roncoli, Carla; & Ouattara, Frederic (2008). Local Perceptions and Regional Climate Trends on the Central Plateau of Burkina Faso. Land Degradation & Development, 19(3), 289-304.
West, Colin Thor & Vásquez-León, Marcela (2008). Misreading the Arizona Landscape: Reframing Analyses of Environmental Degradation in Southeastern Arizona. Human Organization, 67(4), 373-383.
Vásquez-León, Marcela; West, Colin Thor; & Finan, Timothy J. (2003). A Comparative Assessment of Climate Vulnerability: Agriculture and Ranching on Both Sides of the US-Mexico Border. Global Environmental Change, 13(3), 159-173.
West, Colin Thor & Vásquez-León, Marcela (2003). Testing Farmers' Perceptions of Climate Variability: A Case Study from the Sulphur Springs Valley, Arizona.. Strauss, Sarah & Orlove, Benjamin S. (Eds.) (pp. 233-250). Oxford, England: Berg.
Finan, Timothy J.; West, Colin Thor; Austin, Diane; & McGuire, Thomas (2002). Processes of Adaptation to Climate Variability: A Case Study from the US Southwest. Climate Research, 21(3), 299-310.