Davis, Cassandra R.; Hartman, Harriet; Turner, Milanika; Norton, Terri; Sexton, Julie; Méndez, Dara; & Méndez, Jason (Online ahead of print). “Listen to the Feedback of Students”: First-Generation College Students Voice Inequalities in Schooling Brought on by the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice.
Davis, Megan M.; Navarro, Esmeralda; Carpenter, Kimberly L. H.; Copeland, William E.; Small, Brian; Egger, Helen L.; & Sheridan, Margaret A. (Online ahead of print). Early Life Adversity and Psychopathology in Preschoolers: Mechanisms and Moderators. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry.
DeAngelis, Reed T. (Online ahead of print). Systemic Racism in Police Killings: New Evidence from the Mapping Police Violence Database, 2013–2021. Race and Justice.
Dinsmoor, Mara J.; Ugwu, Lynda; Bailit, Jennifer L.; Reddy, Uma M.; Wapner, Ronald J.; Varner, Michael W.; Thorp, John M., Jr.; Caritis, Steve N.; Prasad, Mona; & Tita, Alan T. N., et al. (Online ahead of print). Association of Maternal Body Mass Index and Maternal Morbidity and Mortality. American Journal of Perinatology. PMCID: PMC9978039
Dunn, Matthew R.; Metwally, Eman M.; Vohra, Sanah N.; Hyslop, Terry; Henderson, Louise M.; Reeder-Hayes, Katherine E.; Thompson, Caroline A.; Lafata, Jennifer E.; Troester, Melissa A.; & Butler, Eboneé (Online ahead of print). Understanding Mechanisms of Racial Disparities in Breast Cancer: An Assessment of Screening and Regular Care in the Carolina Breast Cancer Study. Cancer Causes & Control.
Duxbury, Scott & Andrabi, Nafeesa (Online ahead of print). The Boys in Blue Are Watching You: The Shifting Metropolitan Landscape and Big Data Police Surveillance in the United States. Social Problems.
Estrella, Mayra L.; Tarraf, Wassim; Kuwayama, Sayaka; Gallo, Linda C.; Wu, Benson; Marquine, María J.; Perreira, Krista M.; Vasquez, Priscilla M.; Isasi, Carmen R.; & Lipton, Richard B., et al. (Online ahead of print). Psychosocial Factors Associated with 7-Year Change in Cognition among Middle-Aged and Older Hispanics/Latinos: The Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos-Investigation of Neurocognitive Aging (SOL-INCA) Sociocultural Ancillary Studies. Alzheimer's & Dementia.
Evenson, Kelly R.; Brown, Wendy J.; Brinson, Alison K.; Budzynski-Seymour, Emily; & Hayman, Melanie (Online ahead of print). A Review of Public Health Guidelines for Postpartum Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior from Around the World. Journal of Sport and Health Science.
Frank, Tamryn; Ng, Shu Wen; Lowery, Caitlin M.; Thow, Anne-Marie; & Swart, Elizabeth C. (Online ahead of print). Dietary Intake of Low-Income Adults in South Africa: Ultra-Processed Food Consumption a Cause for Concern. Public Health Nutrition.
Gichane, Margaret W.; Wamoyi, Joyce; Atkins, Kaitlyn; Balvanz, Peter; Maman, Suzanne; Majani, Esther; & Pettifor, Audrey E. (Online ahead of print). The Influence of Cash Transfers on Engagement in Transactional Sex and Partner Choice among Adolescent Girls and Young Women in Northwest Tanzania. Culture, Health & Sexuality.