Guo, Guang; Lin, Meng-Jung; & Harris, Kathleen Mullan (2022). Socioeconomic and Genomic Roots of Verbal Ability from Current Evidence. NPJ Science of Learning, 7(1), 22. PMCID: PMC9463438
Tong, Guangyu & Guo, Guang (2022). Meta-Analysis in Sociological Research: Power and Heterogeneity. Sociological Methods & Research, 51(1), 566-604. PMCID: PMC9231456
Li, Yi; Cai, Tianji; Wang, Hongyu; & Guo, Guang (2021). Achieved Educational Attainment, Inherited Genetic Endowment for Education, and Obesity. Biodemography and Social Biology, 66(2), 132-144. PMCID: PMC8607810
Li, Yi & Guo, Guang (2021). Peer Influence on Obesity: Evidence from a Natural Experiment of a Gene-Environment Interaction. Social Science Research, 93, 102483. PMCID: PMC8607809
Yao, Yao; Liu, Linxin; Guo, Guang; Zeng, Yi; & Ji, John S. (2021). Interaction of Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) Candidate Longevity Gene and Particulate Matter (PM2.5) on All-Cause Mortality: A Longitudinal Cohort Study in China. Environmental Health, 20(1), 25. PMCID: PMC7958462
Li, Yi & Guo, Guang (2020). Heterogeneous Peer Effects on Marijuana Use: Evidence from a Natural Experiment. Social Science & Medicine, 252, 112907.
Li, Yi; Woodberry, Robert; Liu, Hexuan; & Guo, Guang (2020). Why Are Women More Religious than Men? Do Risk Preferences and Genetic Risk Predispositions Explain the Gender Gap?. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 59(2), 289-310. PMCID: PMC7566885
Tong, Guangyu & Guo, Guang (2020). The Life-Course Association of Birth-Weight Genes with Self-Rated Health. Biodemography and Social Biology, 65(3), 268-286. PMCID: PMC8607814
Li, Yi & Guo, Guang (2016). Peer Influence on Aggressive Behavior, Smoking, and Sexual Behavior: A Study of Randomly-Assigned College Roommates. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 57(3), 297-318.
Liu, Hexuan & Guo, Guang (2016). Opportunities and Challenges of Big Data for the Social Sciences: The Case of Genomic Data. Social Science Research, 59, 13-22. PMCID: PMC5480284