Nash, Denis; Rane, Madhura; Chang, Mindy; Kulkarni, Sarah Gorrell; Zimba, Rebecca; You, William; Berry, Amanda; Mirzayi, Chloe; Kochhar, Shivani; & Maroko, Andrew, et al. (Preprint). SARS-Cov-2 Incidence and Risk Factors in a National, Community-Based Prospective Cohort of U.S. Adults. medRxiv. PMCID: PMC7899475
Nash, Denis; Srivastava, Avantika; Shen, Jenny; Penrose, Kate; Kulkarni, Sarah Gorrell; Zimba, Rebecca; You, William; Berry, Amanda; Mirzayi, Chloe; & Maroko, Andrew, et al. (Preprint). Seroincidence of SARS-COV-2 Infection Prior to and during the Rollout of Vaccines in a Community-Based Prospective Cohort of U.S. Adults. medRxiv. PMCID: PMC10593054
Robertson, McKaylee; Shamsunder, Meghana; Brazier, Ellen; Mantravadi, Mekhala; Rane, Madhura; Westmoreland, Drew; Parcesepe, Angela M.; Zimba, Rebecca; Maroko, Andrew; & Kulkarni, Sarah Gorrell, et al. (Preprint). Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Exposure to COVID-19, Susceptibility to COVID-19 and Access to Health Care - Findings from a U.S. National Cohort. medRxiv. PMCID: PMC8764735
Romo, Matthew L.; Zimba, Rebecca; Kulkarni, Sarah Gorrell; Berry, Amanda; You, William; Mirzayi, Chloe; Westmoreland, Drew; Parcesepe, Angela M.; Waldron, Levi; & Rane, Madhura, et al. (Preprint). Patterns of SARS-CoV-2 Testing Preferences in a National Cohort in the United States. medRxiv. PMCID: PMC7781336
Filiatreau, Lindsey M.; Ebasone, Peter Vanes; Dzudie, Anastase; Ajeh, Rogers; Pence, Brian W.; Wainberg, Milton; Yotebieng, Marcel; Nash, Denis; Anastos, Kathryn; & Parcesepe, Angela M. (2024). Underestimation of Potentially Traumatic Events Resulting from Underreporting of Physical and Sexual Violence among People Entering Care for HIV in Cameroon. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Practice, Policy and Practice, 16(2), 347-352. PMCID: PMC9218007
Lancaster, Kathryn E.; Stockton, Melissa A.; Remch, Molly; Wester, C. William; Nash, Denis; Brazier, Ellen; Adedimeji, Adebola; Finlayson, Robert; Freeman, Aimee; & Hogan, Breanna, et al. (2024). Availability of Substance Use Screening and Treatment within HIV Clinical Sites across Seven Geographic Regions within the IEDEA Consortium. International Journal of Drug Policy, 124, 104309.
Brazier, Ellen; Maruri, Fernanda; Wester, C. William; Musick, Beverly; Freeman, Aimee; Parcesepe, Angela M.; Hossmann, Stefanie; Christ, Benedikt; Kimmel, April D.; & Humphrey, John, et al. (2023). Design and Implementation of a Global Site Assessment Survey among HIV Clinics Participating in the International Epidemiology Databases to Evaluate Aids (Iedea) Research Consortium. PLOS ONE, 18(3), e0268167. PMCID: PMC10013879
Lancaster, Kathryn E.; Remch, Molly; Edmonds, Andrew; Ajeh, Rogers; Dzudie, Anastase; Adedimeji, Adebola; Nash, Denis; Anastos, Kathryn; Yotebieng, Marcel; & Yone-Pefura, Eric Walter, et al. (2023). Age-Varying Associations of Depressive Symptoms and Heavy Episodic Drinking Throughout Adulthood among People with HIV and Receiving Care in Cameroon within a National “Treat All” Policy. AIDS and Behavior, 27(7), 2070-2078. PMCID: PMC10557023
Lang, Raynell; Hogan, Brenna; Zhu, Jiafeng; McArthur, Kristen; Lee, Jennifer S.; Zandi, Peter; Nestadt, Paul; Silverberg, Michael J.; Parcesepe, Angela M.; & Cook, Judith A., et al. (2023). The Prevalence of Mental Health Disorders in People with HIV and the Effects on the HIV Care Continuum. AIDS, 37(2), 259-269. PMCID: PMC9782734
Ng, Yvette; Chang, Mindy; Robertson, McKaylee; Grov, Christian; Maroko, Andrew; Zimba, Rebecca; Westmoreland, Drew; Rane, Madhura; Mirzayi, Chloe; & Parcesepe, Angela M., et al. (2023). Food Insecurity during the First Year of COVID-19: Employment and Sociodemographic Factors among Participants in the CHASING COVID Cohort Study. Public Health Reports, 138(4), 671-680. PMCID: PMC10200805