Moss, A. Susan; Murphy, Louise B.; Helmick, Charles G.; Schwartz, Todd A.; Barbour, Kamil E.; Renner, Jordan B.; Kalsbeek, William D.; & Jordan, Joanne M. (2016). Annual Incidence Rates of Hip Symptoms and Three Hip OA Outcomes from a U.S. Population-Based Cohort Study: The Johnston County Osteoarthritis Project. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 24(9), 1518-1527. PMCID: PMC5466003
Barbour, Kamil E.; Hootman, Jennifer M.; Helmick, Charles G.; Murphy, Louise B.; Theis, Kristina A.; Schwartz, Todd A.; Kalsbeek, William D.; Renner, Jordan B.; & Jordan, Joanne M. (2014). Meeting Physical Activity Guidelines and the Risk of Incident Knee Osteoarthritis: A Population-Based Prospective Cohort Study. Arthritis Care & Research, 66(1), 139-146. PMCID: PMC4309362
Berzofsky, Marcus E.; Biemer, Paul P.; & Kalsbeek, William D. (2014). Local Dependence in Latent Class Analysis of Rare and Sensitive Events. Sociological Methods & Research, 43(1), 137-170. PMCID: PMC6701852
Lin, Dan-Yu; Tao, Ran; Kalsbeek, William D.; Zeng, Donglin; Gonzalez, Franklyn, II; Fernandez-Rhodes, Lindsay; Graff, Mariaelisa; Koch, Gary G.; North, Kari E.; & Heiss, Gerardo M. (2014). Genetic Association Analysis under Complex Survey Sampling: The Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos. American Journal of Human Genetics, 95(6), 675-688. PMCID: PMC4259979
Giovino, Gary A.; Kulak, Jessica A.; Kalsbeek, William D.; & Leischow, Scott J. (2013). Research Priorities for FCTC Articles 20, 21, and 22: Surveillance/Evaluation and Information Exchange. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 15(4), 847-861. PMCID: PMC3601915
Yeatts, Karin B.; El-Sadig, Mohamed; Leith, David; Kalsbeek, William D.; Al-Maskari, Fatma; Couper, David J.; Funk, William E.; Zoubeidi, Taoufik; Chan, Ronna L.; & Trent, Chris B., et al. (2012). Indoor Air Pollutants and Health in the United Arab Emirates. Environmental Health Perspectives, 120(5), 687-694. PMCID: PMC3346777
LaVange, Lisa Morrissey; Kalsbeek, William D.; Sorlie, Paul D.; Aviles-Santa, M. Larissa; Kaplan, Robert C.; Barnhart, Janice M.; Liu, Kiang; Maisonet Giachello, Aida L.; Lee, David J.; & Ryan, John, et al. (2010). Sample Design and Cohort Selection in the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos. Annals of Epidemiology, 20(8), 642-649. PMCID: PMC2921622
Murphy, Louise B.; Helmick, Charles G.; Schwartz, Todd A.; Renner, Jordan B.; Tudor, Gail; Koch, Gary G.; Dragomir, Anca D.; Kalsbeek, William D.; Luta, Gheorghe; & Jordan, Joanne M. (2010). One in Four People May Develop Symptomatic Hip Osteoarthritis in His or Her Lifetime. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 18(11), 1372-1379. PMCID: PMC2998063
Carey, Timothy S.; Freburger, Janet K.; Holmes, George M.; Castel, Liana D.; Darter, Jane D.; Agans, Robert P.; Kalsbeek, William D.; & Jackman, Anne M. (2009). A Long Way to Go: Practice Patterns and Evidence in Chronic Low Back Pain Care. Spine, 34(7), 718-724. PMCID: PMC2664198
Freburger, Janet K.; Holmes, George M.; Agans, Robert P.; Jackman, Anne M.; Darter, Jane D.; Wallace, Andrea S.; Castel, Liana D.; Kalsbeek, William D.; & Carey, Timothy S. (2009). The Rising Prevalence of Chronic Low Back Pain. Archives of Internal Medicine, 169(3), 251-258. PMCID: PMC4339077