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The Add Health Parent Study (2015-2017), gathered social, behavioral, and health survey data in 2015-2017 on a probability sample of the Add Health parents who were originally interviewed in 1995. Data for 2,013 Wave I parents, ranging in age from 50-80 years and representing 2,244 Add Health sample members, are available. Additionally, 988 current spouse/partner interviews are available. The Add Health Parent Study (2015-2017) was designed to improve the understanding of the role that families play through socioeconomic channels in the health and wellbeing of the older, parent generation and that of their offspring. This unique data set supports the analyses of intergenerational transmissions of (dis)advantage that have not been possible to-date. Add Health Parent Study data permits the examination of both short-term and long-term linkages and interactions between parents and their adult children.

Project Details

Key People
Funding Source
Project Dates
Project Status
Research Themes
Cohort Information
Project Website
Publications Website

Related Projects

  • Add Health (The National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health)