Kathie Harris Wins Award
April 7, 2004Apr 7, 2004 Kathie Harris, CPC Fellow and Gillian T. Cell Distinguished Professor of Sociology, is the winner of the 2004 Clifford C. Clogg Award for Early Career Achievement. This award, given biennially by the Population Association of America, honors outstanding innovative scholarly achievements of population professionals who have attained their highest professional degree within…
Siega-Riz Wins Award
March 19, 2004Mar 19, 2004 Anna-Maria Siega-Riz, Associate Professor of Nutrition and Maternal and Child Health and CPC Fellow, has received the Center for Women's Health Research Award for Excellence. It is awarded for the multidisciplinary research that best demonstrates the strength of collaborative investigation to drive discovery of knowledge and achieve excellence in research. Dr. Siega-Riz…
Demographic Analysis Online Course
December 16, 2003Dec 16, 2003 This online course was developed for researchers, professors, students and any interested person as a tool for deepening basic demographic concepts. It was designed as a didactic guide useful in any basic demographic course. Because of its theoretical content, examples and interactivity it becomes a choice in pregraduate as well as graduate…
Public Release of Chinese Health and Family Life Survey
October 3, 2003Oct 3, 2003 William Parish and Edward O. Laumann are pleased to announce the first public release of Chinese Health and Family Life Survey (CHFLS). The dataset is available for free, downloadable in several formats from the PRC website , by following the "download dataset" links. Research design and questionnaire are also available from this…
Three Fellows Receive Teaching Awards
September 26, 2003Sep 26, 2003 Congratulations to Barbara Entwisle, Paul Leslie, and Boone Turchi for receiving teaching awards. Barbara Entwisle received a Distinguished Teaching Award for Post-Baccalaureate Instruction. Paul Leslie received the J. Carlyle Sitterson Freshman Teaching Award. Boone Turchi received a Tanner Faculty Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching. For more information see the September 24,…
New Book by CPC Staff Members
September 9, 2003Sep 9, 2003 John Spencer, Brian G. Frizzelle, Philip H. Page, and John B. Vogler recently published a book entitled Global Positioning System: A Field Guide for the Social Sciences. The book is a practical, step-by-step guide for social scientists with little or no mapping experience who want to collect geospatial data using GPS equipment.
Population Reference Bureau Names New President
September 9, 2003William P. Butz, senior economist at RAND, and formerly an administrator at the U.S. Census Bureau and the National Science Foundation, was appointed president of the Population Reference Bureau on Aug. 22. He begins his duties October 15.
Former CPC postdoc, Robert Crosnoe, wins award
September 9, 2003Sep 9, 2003 Robert completed his Ph.D. at Stanford University in 1999 and spent the next two years as a post-doctoral fellow at the CPC, with Glen Elder as his preceptor. He recently received the award for Distinguished Contributions Early in a Career of Research and Teaching on the Sociology of Children and Youth, from…