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Social and Cultural Dimensions of Health Program Announcement

February 2, 2005

Feb 2, 2005 This announcement invites applications to (a) elucidate basic social and cultural constructs and processes used in health research, (b) clarify social and cultural factors in the etiology and consequences of health and illness, (c) link basic research to practice for improving prevention, treatment, health services, and dissemination, and (d) explore ethical issues…

GIS and Population Science Workshops – Summer 2005

January 24, 2005

Jan 24, 2005 Two GIS and Population Science workshops (supported by an NICHD R25 training grant) will be offered during Summer 2005. The GISPopSci workshops are scheduled for May 29 - June 11, 2005 (Penn State) and June 19-July 2, 2005 (UC Santa Barbara). These workshops will be intensive training experiences lasting two weeks and…

New IRB Website and Forms

January 18, 2005

Jan 18, 2005 As recently announced, the Office of Human Research Ethics (OHRE) was created to centralize and enhance oversight of research at UNC-Chapel Hill involving human subjects. The next phase of integration will be to standardize practices across all Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) on campus. The IRBs have worked together over the last year…

NIA Program Announcement – Retirement Economics

January 13, 2005

Jan 13, 2005 The National Institute on Aging (NIA) invites applications for research on retirement economics. The research objectives of this Program Announcement include, but are not limited to: (1) the determinants of retirement behavior, (2) the variation in work patterns in later life, (3) the evolution of health and economic circumstances of individuals through…

Steve Wernke TV appearance

November 30, 2004

Nov 30, 2004 Steve Wernke's wife Tiffiny Tung is going to appear on an upcoming Discovery Channel series, Mummy Autopsy, as a regular investigator and he may appear a time or two as well as a consultant. Dr. Tung is also a consultant and "Mummy Investigator" for the Discovery Channel series "Mummy Autopsy," which airs…

World Development Indicators on the Network

October 21, 2004

Oct 21, 2004 World Development Indicators 2004 is now available on the network and can be found at R:WDI2004. Use of this data from the server requires a setup program to be run on the users' workstations. Please write to if you would like to have this installed on your PC.

East-West Center Summer Seminar on Population, 2005

October 18, 2004

Oct 18, 2004 The East-West Center (EWC) in Honolulu, Hawaii is seeking participants for its 36th Summer Seminar on Population, to be held May 31-June 30, 2005 at EWC. In 2005, the three Summer Seminar workshop topics are:1. Evaluating the Impact of Reproductive Health Programs (in collaboration with the MEASURE/Evaluation Project)2. Liveable Cities in Pacific…

Nang Rong Projects Data Release

October 14, 2004

Oct 14, 2004 The Nang Rong Projects are releasing for public use much of the Social Survey Data, including most of the 1984, 1994, and 2000 household census data as well as most of the 1994-95 and 2000-01 migrant follow-up data. All of the released data files are available in SPSS, Stata and SAS transport…

Symposium on Inequalities in Population Call for Papers

October 7, 2004

Oct 7, 2004 The Research Committee on Sociology of Population (RC41) of the International Sociological Association (ISA) is pleased to announce that it will hold its mid-Congress symposium on September 15 and 16, 2005, in Malta. The general theme of the symposium is: Inequalities in Population. Sociologists and demographers are urged to submit their proposals/abstracts…

CPC Receives Obesity Center Grant

October 1, 2004

Oct 1, 2004 The Carolina Population Center has been awarded a grant under NIH's prestigious National Center for Research Resources Program. The grant will be used to establish an Inter-Disciplinary Obesity Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. NIH awarded only 21 of these grants nationwide, and UNC received three of them.…