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Nang Rong Projects Data Release

October 14, 2004

Oct 14, 2004 The Nang Rong Projects are releasing for public use much of the Social Survey Data, including most of the 1984, 1994, and 2000 household census data as well as most of the 1994-95 and 2000-01 migrant follow-up data. All of the released data files are available in SPSS, Stata and SAS transport…

Symposium on Inequalities in Population Call for Papers

October 7, 2004

Oct 7, 2004 The Research Committee on Sociology of Population (RC41) of the International Sociological Association (ISA) is pleased to announce that it will hold its mid-Congress symposium on September 15 and 16, 2005, in Malta. The general theme of the symposium is: Inequalities in Population. Sociologists and demographers are urged to submit their proposals/abstracts…

CPC Receives Obesity Center Grant

October 1, 2004

Oct 1, 2004 The Carolina Population Center has been awarded a grant under NIH's prestigious National Center for Research Resources Program. The grant will be used to establish an Inter-Disciplinary Obesity Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. NIH awarded only 21 of these grants nationwide, and UNC received three of them.…

Global Tobacco Surveillance System Data Release

September 27, 2004

Sep 27, 2004 The CDC Office on Smoking and Health's Global Tobacco Control Program announces the first release of data collected under the Global Tobacco Surveillance System, a collaboration of WHO, CDC, and research coordinators from the participating countries. One part of this system, the Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS), has been completed by over…

Demography and Economics of Aging Research Center

September 27, 2004

Sep 27, 2004 The Demography and Economics of Aging Research (DEAR) program promotes research and research training on the demography and economics of aging at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-CH). The program has been supported by a K07 award from the National Institute on Aging (NIA), and received a P30 center…

2004-05 Program on Latent Variable Models in the Social Sciences

August 26, 2004

Aug 26, 2004 Latent variables are widespread in the social sciences. Whether it is intelligence or socioeconomic status, many variables cannot be directly measured. Factor analysis, latent class analysis, structural equation models, error-in-variable models, and item response theory illustrate models that incorporate latent variables. This SAMSI program will take a broad look at latent variables…

Arne Kalleberg, CPC Fellow, New Senior Associate Dean

June 16, 2004

Jun 16, 2004 Arne Kalleberg, distinguished professor of sociology and senior associate dean of the Graduate School, has accepted the position of senior associate dean for the social sciences in the College of Arts and Sciences, effective July 1, 2004. He follows Richard Soloway, distinguished professor and former interim dean, who has decided to return…

Fulbright scholar award Population Science in India, 2005-06

June 2, 2004

Jun 2, 2004 The Fulbright Scholar Program announces the availability of a Fulbright lecturing award in Population Science at the Institute of Population Sciences in Mumbai (Bombay), India, for a period of four to six months starting in July or August 2005. Faculty or professionals who hold a PhD, are U.S. citizens and have a…

Endeavors Features CPC Researchers

May 26, 2004

May 26, 2004 The Spring 2004 issue of Endeavors, the journal of current research at UNC-CH, features an article about Latinos in North Carolina. Several CPC fellows and a trainee are mentioned: James Johnson, Krista Perreira, Deborah Bender, and Melanie Wasserman. A copy of the issue will be available in the lounge.

Elder Ranks 4th in Top 20 Studies That Fascinated Child Psychology

May 3, 2004

May 3, 2004 Glen Elder's Children of the Great Depression: Social Change in Life Experience (1974) ranks 4th in the Top Twenty Studies that Fascinated Child Psychology. Wallace Dixon, member of the Society for Research in Child Development, compiled this list from a survey of SRCD members. The list was published in the Fall 2003…