Mickley Steinmetz, Katherine R.; Gaudier-Diaz, Monica M.; Huber, Emily C.; Edwards, Brandon H.; & Muscatell, Keely A. (Online ahead of print). Investigating Social Connection as a Protective Factor against Exam Stress in College Students. Journal of American College Health.
Feldman, Mallory J.; Jolink, Tatum A.; Alvarez, Gabriella M.; Fendinger, Nicholas J.; Gaudier-Diaz, Monica M.; Lindquist, Kristen A.; & Muscatell, Keely A. (2023). The Roles of Inflammation, Affect, and Interoception in Predicting Social Perception. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 112, 246-253. PMCID: PMC10528976
Galvan, Manuel J.; Payne, B. Keith; Hannay, Jason; Georgeson, Alexis R.; & Muscatell, Keely A. (2023). What Does the MacArthur Scale of Subjective Social Status Measure? Separating Economic Circumstances and Social Status to Predict Health. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 57(11), 929-941.
Inagaki, Tristen K.; Alvarez, Gabriella M.; Orehek, Edward; Ferrer, Rebecca A.; Manuck, Stephen B.; Abaya, Nicole M.; & Muscatell, Keely A. (2023). Support-Giving is Associated with Lower Systemic Inflammation. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 57(6), 499-507. PMCID: PMC10413322
Jorgensen, Nathan A.; Muscatell, Keely A.; McCormick, Ethan M.; Prinstein, Mitchell J.; Lindquist, Kristen A.; & Telzer, Eva H. (2023). Neighborhood Disadvantage, Race/Ethnicity, and Neural Sensitivity to Social Threat and Reward among Adolescents. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 18(1), nsac053. PMCID: PMC9949505
Alvarez, Gabriella M.; Rudolph, Marc D.; Cohen, Jessica R.; & Muscatell, Keely A. (2022). Lower Socioeconomic Position is Associated with Greater Activity in and Integration within an Allostatic-Interoceptive Brain Network in Response to Affective Stimuli. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 34(1), 1906-1927.
Gray, Kurt; MacCormack, Jennifer K.; Henry, Teague; Banks, Emmie; Schein, Chelsea; Armstrong-Carter, Emma L.; Abrams, Samantha; & Muscatell, Keely A. (2022). The Affective Harm Account (AHA) of Moral Judgment: Reconciling Cognition and Affect, Dyadic Morality and Disgust, Harm and Purity. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 123(6).
Inagaki, Tristen K.; MacCormack, Jennifer K.; & Muscatell, Keely A. (2022). Prosocial and Positive Health Behaviors during a Period of Chronic Stress Protect Socioemotional Well-Being. Affective Science, 3(1), 160-167. PMCID: PMC8761962
Jolink, Tatum A.; Fendinger, Nicholas J.; Alvarez, Gabriella M.; Feldman, Mallory J.; Gaudier-Diaz, Monica M.; & Muscatell, Keely A. (2022). Inflammatory Reactivity to the Influenza Vaccine is Associated with Changes in Automatic Social Behavior. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 99, 339-349. PMCID: PMC9041378
Muscatell, Keely A.; Alvarez, Gabriella M.; Bonar, Adrienne S.; Cardenas, Megan N.; Galvan, Manuel J.; Merritt, Carrington C.; & Starks, Maurryce D. (2022). Brain-Body Pathways Linking Racism and Health. The American Psychologist, 77(9), 1049-1060. PMCID: PMC9887645