Althoff, Keri N.; Stewart, Cameron; Humes, Elizabeth; Gerace, Lucas; Boyd, Cynthia; Gebo, Kelly A.; Justice, Amy C.; Hyle, Emily P.; Coburn, Sally B.; & Lang, Raynell, et al. (Online ahead of print). The Forecasted Prevalence of Comorbidities and Multimorbidity in People with HIV in the United States through the Year 2030: A Modeling Study. PLOS Medicine, 21(1), e1004325.Abstract
BACKGROUND: Estimating the medical complexity of people aging with HIV can inform clinical programs and policy to meet future healthcare needs. The objective of our study was to forecast the prevalence of comorbidities and multimorbidity among people with HIV (PWH) using antiretroviral therapy (ART) in the United States (US) through 2030.METHODS AND FINDINGS: Using the PEARL model-an agent-based simulation of PWH who have initiated ART in the US-the prevalence of anxiety, depression, stage
URL Type
Journal ArticleYear Published
Online ahead of printJournal Title
PLOS MedicineAuthor(s)
Althoff, Keri N.Stewart, Cameron
Humes, Elizabeth
Gerace, Lucas
Boyd, Cynthia
Gebo, Kelly A.
Justice, Amy C.
Hyle, Emily P.
Coburn, Sally B.
Lang, Raynell
Silverberg, Michael J.
Horberg, Michael A.
Lima, Viviane D.
Gill, M. John
Karris, Maile
Rebeiro, Peter F.
Thorne, Jennifer
Rich, Ashleigh J.
Crane, Heidi M.
Kitahata, Mari M.
Rubtsova, Anna
Wong, Cherise
Leng, Sean
Marconi, Vincent C.
D'Souza, Gypsyamber
Kim, Hyang K.
Napravnik, Sonia
McGinnis, Kathleen A.
Kirk, Gregory D.
Sterling, Timothy R.
Moore, Richard D.
Kasaie, Parastu
Article Type
RegularData Set/Study
North American AIDS CohortContinent/Country
North AmericaState